One of the most powerful forces that helps in the development of self-confidenceand perhaps the entire personality is the power of expression both written andoral. At this stage begins the training in listening speaking, reading andwriting and mathematical skill in being able to compare size of objects.Understanding of number value is also developed. Assessment of the growth ofthe child is evaluated on the basis of the child’s work in class.
The following subjects are formally introduced at this stage English, Hindi, MathematicsEnvironmental Studies, Computer Education, Art Education, Physical and HealthEducation, Performing Arts, Life Skill. All subjects at this level are taughtby the interactive method where the teacher moves from the known to the unknown.
As directed by CBSE the three language formula is followed for classes VI-VII. Inaddition to English and Hindi, students have an option to study Marathi asthird language. At this stage learning is more formal with further diversification of subjects-Science into Biology, Physics and Chemistry; Mathematics into Algebra, Geometryand Arithmetic; Social Studies into History, Civics, Geography and Economics. Theschool has 6 hours (8 periods) time-table for 6 days a week.
Secondary Stage of education covering 2-3 years ofacademic study starts with classes 8th-10th. Consisting of students agedbetween 14-16 years.As directed by CBSE the two language formula is followed for classes IX &X). For languages English and Hindi. At this stage learning is more formal withfurther diversification of subjects- Science into Biology, Physics andChemistry; Mathematics into Algebra, Geometry and Arithmetic; Social Studiesinto History, Civics, Geography and Economics. The school has 6 hours (8periods) time-table for 6 days a week.